Page 118 - Catalogo Tejas Borja 2016 Ingles x
P. 118



Ceramic roof tiles have been traditionally used in roofing for centuries, providing protection from the weather and 
adding aesthetic value to the roof of any type of building.

Originally designed to cover houses, roofs are now used for new purposes in buildings, increasingly to protect 

building facades.

Ceramic tiles are a natural, durable and environmentally friendly product, as they do not harm the environment. 

At Tejas Borja we look after the product, monitoring the process at all stages from the rigorous selection of our 

clays to the final stage of the manufacturing process.


Our ceramic roof tiles easily meet all requirements associated with mechanical resistance, flexion, durability, 

waterproofing and thermal insulation. We also try to manufacture products that are easy to install on site, in 

order to make life easier for installers.


The mechanical resistance of roof tiles is of vital importance, given that people will occasionally have to walk on 

them in order to perform repairs or maintenance. For this reason, Tejas Borja roof tiles are the most resistant to 

flexion among those of its rivals.


The durability of tiles is of great importance, due to the fact that they will be exposed directly to the elements wi- 

thout any additional protection.

Our tiles are guaranteed to perform well in frost and in accordance with current regulations (UNE - EN 1304, UNE 
- EN 539-1, UNE - EN 539-2). However, to ensure that a roof is effective and has a long useful life, it should be 

remembered that its quality will depend both on the tiles and the quality of the installation. For this reason, tiles 

must be installed in accordance with UNE - 136020 and our specifications.


To prevent humidity as a result of condensation and leaks in the roof, the inner face of the tiles must have ade- 

quate ventilation. This ventilation will generate a continuous current of air, so as to remove moisture from the tiles 

and, in doing so, preventing them from being saturated with water.

In addition, an appropriate gradient will allow water to escape quickly and help avoid saturation. It is essential that 

minimum gradient requirements (determined as a function of weather conditions in the area where the project is 

located and the length of the skirts) be met. Under no circumstances can this gradient be less than 30%.


Due to the importance of thermal insulation, both from a comfort and an energy-saving point of view, the perfor- 

mance of the materials chosen for the roof is relevant. In this regard, tests carried out at specialised institutions 

reveal that ceramic tiles perform best in terms of these parameters when compared to other roofing materials 
used for this purpose.


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