Page 53 - Catalogo Tejas Borja 2016 Ingles x
P. 53

Always follow the Code of practice for installation of roofs with clay roofing tiles in 
accordance with latest regulations and those applicable in each zone of application.

To prevent birds from entering the roof and allow ventilation, Eave ventilation comb 
or Eave Closure (clay accessory) should be installed.

The first batten to be installed on the eaves must be 2 cm taller that the others. 
To achieve this effect, a taller batten or a Eave Ventilation Comb Profile, or Eave 
Closure, can be installed in this area.

S-Interlocking roof tiles are installed from left to right, and from the eave to the 

ridge line. The first row of roof tiles have variable overhanging, depending on the 
model and installation.


Universal Bird stop
Eave Closure grate Eaves comb profile

Ventilation roof tiles are installed in the same manner as other roof tiles, interlocking into each other 4

laterally and from the top. These roof tiles should be distributed along the roof surface.


TB-12® Ventilation
TB-10 Ventilation
TB-4® Quattro® Ventilation

Edges clay accessory (left and right) should be installed under the roof tiles and 5

following the direction of the tile. To complete the slope on the left it should be 

placed on the roof tile or half-tile, depending on the width of the roof surface.


Half TB-10         Half TB-12® TB-12® Tile TB-10 Tile Half TB-4 Qua- Universal Universal TB-4® Quatro® 
Roof Tile
Roof Tile
and a Half
and a Half
ttro® Roof Tile Straight Edges Curved Edges
Curved Edges


The batten installed on the ridge line should be 
attached to the Cantilevel supports. To install the   
battens, they must be installed to the Cantilevel 

support at the required pitch and height so that 
the ridges are directly supported on the roof tiles 
in the last row and the Universal Under Ridge   
Cantilever support
Universal Under Ridge

(clay accessory).

The Under ridge roll tape (mixed, aluminium or Roof ridge pvc vent brush) should 

be placed on the ridge batten and fixed with clips or nails. The rolls have adhesi- 
ve strips of butyl to attach to the profile of the roof tiles and waterproof joints. Fi- 
nally, the Ridges and End Caps clay accessory should be installed with screws/ 

nails and ridge clips.


Universal Circular Universal Circular       Circular Hip 
Circular 3 Ways Circular 4 Ways Straight End Cap Curved End Cap
Circular Ridge

Also available Cover+ clay accessories.


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