Place: Saint Kitts and Nevis




  • Vilavella ®
    Vilavella ®
  • Vilavella ® C-40.19 (BorjaBLANC)
    Vilavella ® C-40.19 (BorjaBLANC)

Vilavella ®

This finish, created by Tejas Borja in the early 90’s, was pioneer in roof tile decoration. Nowadays it is considered by most manufacturers as a standard.

Vilavella® still distinguishes roofs for its cream colour backgrounds with orange and black smokes, creating contrasts and intensities with their own personality and consolidating our emblem, “not two roof tiles alike”.

Vilavella® is a product made with white clay for following roof tiles: TB-12® and C-40.19.


Borja Blanc
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