First EASY ROOF INTEGRATION (ERI) Project in Spain

A wonderful renovated house with all the improvements on the roof side: insulation system, integration of photovoltaic panels and high quality roof tiles, thus achieving an aesthetic and functional integration.

Last June saw the first installation of the Easy Roof Integration (ERI) photovoltaic panel integration system in Spain. An ideal solution for photovoltaic installations integrated into the roof plane, so that they do not affect the watertightness or safety of the roof.

This project consisted of an energy refurbishment of a single-family house in Madrid. For the renovation work on the pitched roof, after removing the old tiles and cleaning up the support, the property and the technicians responsible for the project selected the BorjaSAT 140mm thick prefabricated panel system to insulate the roof of the house.

BorjaSAT is an external roof insulation solution, which forms a covering layer without thermal bridges, designed to be installed easily and without the need to set out the battens for fixing the tiles. With the 140mm panel, a transmittance of 0.22 W/m2k was obtained, a value well above what is required by the Technical Building Code in this climate zone.

With the thermal insulation solved, the other problem of this refurbishment was to be able to install a photovoltaic solar collection system that would not affect the design of the house so much. For this reason, the ERI integrated solution was chosen, where the photovoltaic panel is fixed on a system of watertight frames to the structure of the roof system’s battens.

This solution, in addition to improving aesthetics and integration, avoids future pathologies, such as leaks due to poor installation or expansion of the coplanar metal structures that are usually installed. It also eliminates the possibility of birds or rodents nesting under the panels, with the consequent damage to the wiring and aesthetic impact due to dirt.

Finally, in the event of storms with strong winds, as they are anchored and integrated into the plane of the tile, the panels cannot be torn off by strong gusts, as has happened on numerous occasions with installations superimposed on the roof, which constitute a danger to the integrity of pedestrians in the area.

To complete this refurbishment, the tile chosen was the TB-10 TECH Entrepins S-Interlocking roof tile. A large roof tile model manufactured by Tejas Borja with digital ceramic printing; an aged finish, created from HD photographs on real old tiles, giving the appearance of a recovered tile to a state-of-the-art product.

isolation, solar installation, BorjaSAT, integración, ERI, paneles solares, S-interlocking roof tile, BorjaJET,

25 de July de 2024

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