27 de February de 2016
On a red background with dark grey smoke aplications, its main feature at the time of reaching the market was the technique used in the implementation of the slip process, where the smoke footprint was never repeated in the same position of the roof tile, causing a uniform shade variation with no equal roof tiles.
27 de February de 2016
A designed effect which reproduces through its decorations the already aged roofs of Alicantina-12 flat roof tile manufactured more than a century ago. Litoral, since its launch in 2009 surprised by the actual appearance of typical coast roofs, by applying the latest techniques in decoration, achieving natural contrasts. Rehabilitations and new construction with rustic flavor […]
27 de February de 2016
Designed with the opposite idea to its predecessor Vilavella®, Manoir® stands out for its red backgrounds with cream and black smoke applications, creating a cover effect that exceeds the expectations of the aged red roofs. For Step 50/45 roof tile it is compatible with following finishes: Centenaria® Ground y Manoir®
27 de February de 2016
This finish, created by Tejas Borja in the early 90’s, was pioneer in roof tile decoration. Nowadays it is considered by most manufacturers as a standard. Vilavella® still distinguishes roofs for its cream colour backgrounds with orange and black smokes, creating contrasts and intensities with their own personality and consolidating our emblem, “not two roof […]
27 de February de 2016
Designed on a clear salmon color base, with applications of different dry materials, finish EDETANIA® recreates roofs non exposed to sun light in humid climates where the proliferation of moss almost cover the whole roof, showing gray, green and black tones.